
Richard Moores Ecology work in the following sectors: bat survey, ecology survey norfolk

  • Renewable Energy norfolk bat survey norfolk bat survey ecology survey
  • Infrastructure norfolk ecology surveys bat bats bat ecology survey
  • Development norfolk bat survey bat survey norfolk ecology survey norfolk
  • Nature conservation bat survey norfolk ecology survey norfolk
  • Research bat survey norfolk ecology survey norfolk

Our services include:

  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisals/Scoping
  • Habitat surveys
  • Protected species surveys
  • Technical reporting and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Mitigation and compensation planning/implementation for development projects
  • Code for Sustainable Homes
  • Ecological Management 

Ecological expertise including:

  • Natural England/Scottish Natural Heritage/Countryside Council for Wales bat survey licences including Class 3 and 4 (mist netting, harp-trapping and use of acoustic lure) for high-level research projects throughout England
  • Registered Consultant (RC) for Natural England's Bat Mitigation Licence (BML) scheme
  • Scottish Natural Heritage bat survey licences
  • Natural Resources Wales bat survey licences
  • Natural England Great Crested Newt survey licences
  • Natural England/Countryside Council for Wales Barn Owl survey licences
  • British Trust for Ornithology/Natural England Schedule 1 licence to survey Stone Curlews in East Anglia


Richard Moores BSc (Hons) CMIEEM – Richard is the owner, Director and Principal Ecologist and he has worked in the field of ecology and wildlife conservation for 21 years, 18 of which have been as an ecological consultant. He has also worked for the National Trust where tasks included biological surveys and drawing up habitat management plans for Hazel Dormouse and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Richard’s principal areas of expertise are in protected species surveys. As a respected ornithologist, Richard has completed demanding bird surveys throughout Europe and North Africa for organisations including the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and Natural England. Richard is also a highly experienced and dedicated bat worker and possesses relevant licences to survey bats throughout the U.K. He dedicates much of his free time to ecological research, mainly in his home county of Norfolk but also in Morocco and the western Sahara, where he is currently studying the communities of desert bats and other mammals. 


Richard Moores Ecology enjoys the assistance of a number of highly skilled and experienced sub-consultants, many of whom are considered experts in their respective ecological fields. 


Richard Moores Ecology

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